Friday, August 11, 2006

Futurepost 0010480XZZ016R2

With the advent of modern technology and the non-metal revolution there has been a slow return to the traditional instruments and hand crafted ones. Still there hasn't been a true beacon of artistry to represent the fledgling genre, especially with so many lazy young artist simply using music diodes to write their music for them. Why can't they see that just injecting a syring full of nanites into your head will never be as authentic as getting down to the grindstone and actually writing something by hand. Maybe I'm just getting old after all, my original body is long gone, and really what can a personality upload say to a fleshy with any resonance? Maybe I'm just trying to live vicariously through first generation lives when they want to do something different and create their own style of art. Maybe its for the best, but I cant see it.
As far as I can see, the only truly authentic thriving style today is dolphin folk music. Its all I've been really been lisenting to these days anyways. Theres just so much to catch up on. I know, I know, youre saying "how do you relate to the music of a species youre not even part of" well fugg that. Music is universal and I'll stick to what I like whatever the popular majority says. Lets just hope human and cyborg trends don't catch on like they seem to be and taint this one remaining pure traditional art form. Lets hope they can learn from our mistakes and stay away from the brainwave imaging that we have sunk so far to.
