Monday, August 07, 2006

Sweat, and how the Silver Jews were worth every drop of it

Wow, I can´t believe anyone thought the Silver Jews performance at the Pitchfork festival was anything less than completely mesmerizing. When David Bergman began singing, his stern yet cool voice cut through the hot night air in that park and made it all worth it. All the sweat. There was so much sweat. All the I-thought-we-were-supposed-to-meet-at-that-pole-over-there. All the waiting in line. All the listening to that annoying screaming man who introduced the bands telling us to take care of our friends and so on. ( What a bastard! From now on I will never take care of any of my friends, out of pure spite. ) And I am sure, for those who wore them, it was worth wearing the tightest darkest jeans possible in the 100 degree heat. You gotta look good. I wore a t-shirt on my head. I stopped caring, I was just set on survival. There´s not many bands I would do all that for, but the Silver Jews are definitely one of them. Finally seeing them play the songs I´d listened to so much back and forth between my apartment and the city, was a completely unreal and beautiful experience. "Smith and Jones " was like cold steel against your skin. I´ll post the video of it as soon as DJ tells me how to... Thanks Mazur, for defending the Silver Jews, I never thought you would have to. What a truely crazy world we´re living in.

On an entirely different note, I´m back in Stockholm now. The Real Stockholm or Stockholm ONE, whatever you prefer. Gay Pride week just finished and the city was pumping with life this past weekend. Sweaty drag queens are the adrenaline shot old Stockholm takes every summer to keep going until darkness inevitably swallows us all in November.