Friday, September 15, 2006

Not too far from where I live

This newspaper article is a great example of the quality individuals we breed in the great state of Wisconsin.

Wow, these guys just aren't that bright. If they wouldn't have said anything no one ever would have found out that they were planning on fucking the corpse. And you'd think they could have found a body that wasn't just mutilated in a motorcycle accident.

I couldn't find any songs directly about necrophelia on my computer so I decided I would post a Beck song from his bootleg album Fresh Meat and Old Slabs. Unfortunately the cd is scratched and this is the only track that plays all the way through. Every time I play Beck on my computer, realplayer tells me that his mom formed a drag-punk band called Black Fag ...and of course it turned out to be true. Although in the interview I linked I coulnd't find any mention of how she helped form the band. After doing some research Bibbe Hansen (Beck's mom) turned out to have a pretty fucking fascinating life, she was the youngest member of the Andy Warhol entourage and was in a few movies as well. One being directed by Vaginal Davis, who I had to mention purely because of her name. Bibbe was also was in a band that had one recording in the 60s called The Whippets, with Jack Keruac's daughter of all people. Who wasn't raised by the beat writer and will forever live (even though she's dead) in a shadow of obscurity and her fathers' fame. You can download two Whippits tracks here. It seems like everyone wanted to rip off the Beatles. Adding to Becks fascinating family history is his father Al Hansen, Pioneer of the Fluxus art movement.

Guess what, DJ came through with a True Sounds of Liberty song about necrophelia.


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علي اكمل وجه كما اننا نقدم لكم خدمة نقل العفش بأحس الاسعار التنافسية في مجال نقل الاثاث بالطائف

February 16, 2018 2:24 AM  

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